Bar Ilan University

Prof. Itamar Lensky
Department of
Geography & Environment

Dr. Keren Agay-Shay
Faculty of Medicine
Research Fields: Remote sensing, Meteorology and Climatology
Research Fields: Environmental epidemiology

Dr. Anat Tchetchik
Department of
Geography & Environment

Dr. Shlomit Flint
Department of
Geography & Environment

Prof. Eyal Yaniv
School of Business
Research Fields: Entrepreneurship, Strategic Management, Innovation Marketing, Smart cities
Website: https://mba.biu.ac.il/en/yaniv

Research Fields: Urban planing
Research Fields: Stress

Noa Zuckerman
PhD Student
Department of
Geography & Environment
Research Fields: Remote sensing & GIS, Ecology
email: noa.zuckerman@biu.ac.il
Yaara Shitrit
MA Student
Department of
Geography & Environment

Research Fields: GIS, Acoustics
email: Yaara@eco-eng.co.il
Dror Gottlieb
PhD Student
Department of
Geography & Environment

Research Fields:
email: Dror.Gottlieb@biu.ac.il
Lee Gafter
MA Student
Department of
Geography & Environment

Research Fields: Environmental Economics
email: leegf@mta.ac.il
Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Environment,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Dr. David Helman
Department of
Soil & Water Sciences
Research Fields: Digital agriculture, Remote sensing of plant-related processes, Environmental impact assessment
Website: http://davidhelman.weebly.com/
ARO Volcani Center

Dr. Yafit Cohen
Research Fields: Agricultural Engineering, Sensing, Information and Mechanization Engineering

D.Sc. Victor Alchanatis
Research Fields: Agricultural Engineering, Sensing, Information and Mechanization Engineering

Dr. Nirit Bernstein
Research Fields: Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, Environmental Physics and Irrigation